Monday, June 1, 2009

"remember not to be so caught up with crying over a lost skateboard that you miss the rolls royce that's parking right in front of you."

there is no need to rush into a relationship or be in a panic to find a life partner. the time will come when you are ready and the Universe will present someone.
when you least expect it, love will come to you.
so while you are biding your time, prepare the vessel.
find a creative outlet to express yourself and develop a sense of who you are and who you might become.
find yourself before you fall in love, so you bring with you everything you need to weather all conditions and the peaks and troughs that are the process of loving.
for love to endure it must be nurtured, especially through the tough times, for these are the times that separate true loves from the wannabes.
after all, it is the rarest flower that blossoms in adversity,
to achieve real intimacy in a relationship you need to reveal yourself, to be honest and truthful, to communicate openly. you must surrender your ego, have your flaws scrutinized and accept and love the flaws in another.
if you can both be truly intimate in these ways, your love will continue to grow.
(girlosophy, anthea paul)

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