^ my favorite meal since i've been in atlanta
i get these notifications on facebook everyday called "god wants you to know", and ive been getting some good ones lately. here's my one from today which falls perfectly with my personality and my life: "you've got to live life, not think about it. step into the midst of things, try and fail and learn and stand up again. the question is not whether you will or will not make mistakes - you will. the question is do you want to learn and grow, or do you want to shrink back and be stuck? take that step you've been avoiding. You can succeed, or you can get feedback that it didn't work, but in either case you are sure to feel alive."
its always been important for me (even though i always forget) to enjoy every single minute of my day to the best of my ability no matter who im with or what im doing and meditation and my reliance on the universe and god has always helped me through that.
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