but im REALLY excited!
i haven't bought any clothes .. (maybe like 4 things) ALL SUMMER
which for me is a big deal ..
right now im in the process of learning the importance of material and non material things and how i can effectively spend my money. so with that being said im very proud of myself no matter what. SO with my first pay check [ and i sitll have plenty left over =) ] .. i have bought these 8 things from this AMAZING website that's overseas and isn't topshop (i think its way better).

i think its really hard to find a good website or store with okay to good quality clothes that are CHEAP. like on the same lines of h&m, zara, topshop. so this was really exciting.
at least i can say i don't spend money on really expensive things, not yet at least .. and hopefully by the time i have the funds to do so i'll know how to use my money wisely.
*savoir faire
good for you!! Cute choices in there & that pocahontas looking model is so georgeous! lol..that 1st dress is my fav!!