so i added three more books to my collection:
girlosophy: the oracle, the breakup survival kit, and the love survival kit.
again GO OUT AND BUY, it took me years to actually pick up the first one "girlosophy: the soul survival kit", and im realizing that it was probably because it was way over my head. but i'm so glad i have them now, every book is worth the read and def. worth having around forever. its so inspirational and i can already feel myself changing!
the last three i ordered off and purchased the used copies for like $2-$6 literally .. even though some of them are partically falling apart .. it still works beautifully!
buy buy buy!!
**also: id like to point out that im not a fan of casual reading, so for me to be actually ordering books lol, its not heard of. therefore if your looking for a good book or something to help guide you in a better direction get these.
more info ..
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