whether it be my clothing or my lifestyle
im glad i inspire YOU.
.. yeah you
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
although they spelled it wrong, its the thought that counts.
'when two paths open up before you,
you should always choose the hardest one.'
at the start of a new relationship it all comes easily.
that's why its the start: the universe breaks you in gently.
all beginnings are gentle, but especially the beginnings of love,
because love is the most important lesson and the universe wants you to succeed.
but just because it's easy at the start, don't expect it to stay that way.
the universe will begin to load you up with harder lessons and tests to give you a real understanding of the long-term process that is love.
you'll find that continuing to love someone in the same way that you did at the beginning of the relationship is impossible.
instead, allow each moment to have its corresponding 'love' equivalent.
each moment is as unique as each love.
now you are on a steep love-learning curve.
loving seems to get harder and harder.
eventually, though, it will start to get easier.
love is designed this way because we are all here to learn how to love.
we start off with our families, and our platonic intimates then move on to our romantic and sexual partners.
the ultimate love test is to extend our love to every person and being in existence.
the greater masters of love have reached this level.
[girlosophy2: the love survival kit]
Monday, June 29, 2009
no disrespect to you, im just enjoying me
i have now made it clear that i have an obsession with crop tops.
so i went searching in my basement for the clothes that i left at home when i went to school ..
and i found some old tshirts and sweatpants ..
some i had been looking for others i just didn't find entertaining anymore.
either way! im glad i found themmm!
i sat outside in my backyard with a book as a ruler a colored pencil and some scissors and cut away! it was great

^ the ground was SO hot!!

^ i think i like the shorts the best
(the grey ones were upenn capris and the yellow ones were jcrew terry cloth pants)
so i went searching in my basement for the clothes that i left at home when i went to school ..
and i found some old tshirts and sweatpants ..
some i had been looking for others i just didn't find entertaining anymore.
either way! im glad i found themmm!
i sat outside in my backyard with a book as a ruler a colored pencil and some scissors and cut away! it was great
^ the ground was SO hot!!
^ i think i like the shorts the best
(the grey ones were upenn capris and the yellow ones were jcrew terry cloth pants)
ASHER ROTH will be starting his summer tour soon ..
and of course he will be in PHILLY at the ELECTRIC FACTORY
AUGUST 6, 2009 AT 830PM

i was never excited about him until today when i saw him perform on the ALEXA CHUNG show on MTV. he performed this song, and i fell deep in love.
"she dont wanna man", ASHER ROTH ft. KERI HILSON
amen to that
and of course he will be in PHILLY at the ELECTRIC FACTORY
AUGUST 6, 2009 AT 830PM

i was never excited about him until today when i saw him perform on the ALEXA CHUNG show on MTV. he performed this song, and i fell deep in love.
"she dont wanna man", ASHER ROTH ft. KERI HILSON
amen to that
JUNE 26TH-JULY 5, 2009

theres really no beating last year with a FREE JOHN LEGEND concert.
and none of this really looks that interesting ..
but here's the calender of events for this years "SUNOCO WELCOME AMERICA PHILADELPHIA". i missed angie stone at penns landing + fireworks, this past saturday! but hopefully the SHERYL CROW main event concert/fireworks will still be fun??
i'll try to post other july 4th weekend events that arnt related to this sunoco stuff.
(click to enlarge)
Sunday, June 28, 2009

this FRIDAY, JULY 3 2009
sundae special events presents: "remember the time"
special guests: sammy slice: dirty: lee jones: a-run
WHERE: the piazza 2nd and germantown ave (northern liberties)
TIME: 5-9pm (outside) 9-12pm(inside)
i will be there no matter what (either skaamed or buzzed) ..
even if i have to go by myself
i can guarantee that this will be amazing!
dont come if you dont want to dance its not that type of event.
more info: http://sundaephiladelphia.com/
stringbean and marcus
this morning/afternoon i went to new hope with my parents and when we were leaving we noticed the streets were blocked off on our corner with alot of moving vans. come to find out that there's an independent film called STRINGBEAN AND MARCUS being shot in philadelphia mainly germantown (whewww whoo!! shout out to gtown!!) about the black panthers in 1978 starring KERRY WASHINGTON (shes beautifulllllll) and ANTHONY MACKIE (he played tupac in notorious) and this other guy that looked so familiar but i couldnt remember his name or what he played in lol. i couldnt take any pictures ughh!! but it was really cool, my mom and i walked over there and talked to some of the production crew. i wonder if they got (kerry and anthony) invited to the BET Awards? (which im really excited to watch by the way)
*** they said to look out for the movie in about a year

^ the PT was ready

^i never wear hoops, but these were my grandmas so i thought i'd wear them out today

^ cut my shorts
*** they said to look out for the movie in about a year
^ the PT was ready
^i never wear hoops, but these were my grandmas so i thought i'd wear them out today
^ cut my shorts
Saturday, June 27, 2009
make that tootsie roll
when i got home from the festival my mom and i went to pep boys and got my tire fixed. it was $16.00 and i really wanted some mike and ike's that the boy's (ha, pep boys) had conveniently put at the register for people like me. but my mom only had exactly $16.00 so i couldn't, howeversurprisingly and thankfully the guy at the register heard my frustration and didn't charge us anything =). my mom was very excited lol and kept telling me that he only did that because i was there, and now she was gonna start taking me out more so she can get free things lol. since we still had the $16 we went to the dollar store and racked up lmao. although it was only $16 its the thought that counts, hopefully he didnt get in trouble.
so now im at home watching this episode of ellen degeneres called "ellens bigger, longer and wider show" (lol weird) an kanye west is performing "stronger" and as he was saying "well id do anything for a blonde dike" im wondering if ellen realizes what he's really saying???
definition of me
Interviewer: I'm sure this is real stupid of me, but just what is a "Brick House"? I've heard Isaac Hayes use the phrase in his "Out Of The Ghetto" song, but he went even further and sang "built like a brick shit house". Now, please explain what a woman's sexy body has got to do with a shit house (laughs).
Lionel Richie: (Laughs) damn right! You see, a brick house means she's stacked. Let me explain that to you. See, when you have these wonderful measurements, 36-24-36 or variations of that in any form and you got these legs and this body and guys turn around and go "aww"... that's a brick house! She's built like a brick shit house means that she's strong, shit is not a negative thing, it just means that the brick shit house is not gonna fall down, it's not a wooden house. I know that sounds bad (laughs).
***i dont need a big butt to be a brickhouse, thank you.
Lionel Richie: (Laughs) damn right! You see, a brick house means she's stacked. Let me explain that to you. See, when you have these wonderful measurements, 36-24-36 or variations of that in any form and you got these legs and this body and guys turn around and go "aww"... that's a brick house! She's built like a brick shit house means that she's strong, shit is not a negative thing, it just means that the brick shit house is not gonna fall down, it's not a wooden house. I know that sounds bad (laughs).
***i dont need a big butt to be a brickhouse, thank you.
susquehanna festival
Friday, June 26, 2009
appetite for success
so i am currently jobless .. and at this point with basically a month and some weeks left of summer break (crazy now that i think about it) its going to be really hard to find a job that will hire me for such a short amount of time. a couple of weeks ago it was beyond frustrating that i had no source of income. just because i'm ALWAYS the one with a job! every summer since i was basically 15 i've had one, and now im 19 with a crazy thirst for shoes, clothing, and random things i dont need, and i cant buy ANY of it.
but recently ive been finding good in everything and i realized that this too has an explanation.
the reason (my reason) why i am having SO much trouble finding a job this summer is because i dont need any money. i think its fair to say that everytime i get money i run out and spend it.
this summer was meant to be a learning experience and one of the things i have learned (and im still learning) is that money needs to be taken seriously. with that being said i am beginning to become more content with not having any spending money and finding joy in the things that i have. and every once and awhile when i do get a LITTLE bit of spending money it allows me to just buy one thing, which then allows me to think twice so i wont buy something i dont need.
i'll know if my explanation for no job is right if im able to get a job when i go back to atlanta .. which i REALLY hope i do. even if i dont, im sure there's some lesson behind it.
as of right now my ambition, desire, hunger, and passion in life is to seize every moment and learn as much as possible about myself and just be happy.
and i know with that attitude that one day i'll have everything i want.
but recently ive been finding good in everything and i realized that this too has an explanation.
the reason (my reason) why i am having SO much trouble finding a job this summer is because i dont need any money. i think its fair to say that everytime i get money i run out and spend it.
this summer was meant to be a learning experience and one of the things i have learned (and im still learning) is that money needs to be taken seriously. with that being said i am beginning to become more content with not having any spending money and finding joy in the things that i have. and every once and awhile when i do get a LITTLE bit of spending money it allows me to just buy one thing, which then allows me to think twice so i wont buy something i dont need.
i'll know if my explanation for no job is right if im able to get a job when i go back to atlanta .. which i REALLY hope i do. even if i dont, im sure there's some lesson behind it.
as of right now my ambition, desire, hunger, and passion in life is to seize every moment and learn as much as possible about myself and just be happy.
and i know with that attitude that one day i'll have everything i want.
To make an effective request of the Universe your mind needs to be static-free -- free, that is from too many overlapping and conflicting thoughts. when you desire a clear response you have to make a clear request, in the same way as when you're talking to someone. thoughts are energy. so if you send a thought out among a bunch of other jumbled-up thoughts it has a greater chance of getting lost in the maelstrom.
meditation helps you clear the static. it's a heightened form of concentration that can be a very calming and powerful method of rewiring yourself for positivity and enhanced focus on any goal.
there are many methods of meditation and (as with anything) only you can decide which method works best for you. to get your started, here's a brief rundown on a meditation technique that may help you become clear, focused and static-free. if after a reasonable number of attempts this method dosnt seem to be effective for you, research or experiment with other techniques.
the method described below is the breath observation method, and it should get you into the zone if you practice it. choose a time when you won't be disturbed by anyone. this your precious time.
preparation: first, take off your watch and put it close by so you can check the time. you may even prefer to set an alarm clock for a few minutes' time. get comfortable by either sitting on your bed with your feet on the floor or sitting on the floor with your legs crossed and your spine against a wall for support. you can even sit on a chair or lie on the floor. whatever feels right for you.
step 1. breathe in through your nose with your moth closed.
step 2. leave your eyes either half-open and focused on one point in the room or, if you prefer, close them fully.
step 3. continue to breathe through your nose until you feel the breath go all the way to your stomach, and then breathe out the same way so you can feel a kind of "loop" pattern in your breathing.
step 4. don't follow any train of thought (this is hard but you have to try). if any thoughts arise, let them fall away as you return your focus on your breath.
step 5. the thoughts will continue to come -- the trick is to learn to ignore them. they have no place for you right now because they are only serving to distract you from you mission of being peacefully static-free. if you find you have too many thoughts, practice saying an affirmation over and over in your mind: for example, "i love my life. i am happy and contented. all is well in my world." you can change the affirmation to suit your needs or your mood.
step 6. be still, don't fidget and really try to control any excess body movement. focus.
step 7. do this for as long as you can. you can start with a few minutes and work up to longer periods. do it first thing in the morning when you're fresh, and then again in the evening before you go to sleep.
the more you meditate, the greater the results -- but you'll have to do a bit of work.
(via girlosophy: the oracle, ANTHEA PAUL)
**its really an amazing thing.
meditation helps you clear the static. it's a heightened form of concentration that can be a very calming and powerful method of rewiring yourself for positivity and enhanced focus on any goal.
there are many methods of meditation and (as with anything) only you can decide which method works best for you. to get your started, here's a brief rundown on a meditation technique that may help you become clear, focused and static-free. if after a reasonable number of attempts this method dosnt seem to be effective for you, research or experiment with other techniques.
the method described below is the breath observation method, and it should get you into the zone if you practice it. choose a time when you won't be disturbed by anyone. this your precious time.
preparation: first, take off your watch and put it close by so you can check the time. you may even prefer to set an alarm clock for a few minutes' time. get comfortable by either sitting on your bed with your feet on the floor or sitting on the floor with your legs crossed and your spine against a wall for support. you can even sit on a chair or lie on the floor. whatever feels right for you.
step 1. breathe in through your nose with your moth closed.
step 2. leave your eyes either half-open and focused on one point in the room or, if you prefer, close them fully.
step 3. continue to breathe through your nose until you feel the breath go all the way to your stomach, and then breathe out the same way so you can feel a kind of "loop" pattern in your breathing.
step 4. don't follow any train of thought (this is hard but you have to try). if any thoughts arise, let them fall away as you return your focus on your breath.
step 5. the thoughts will continue to come -- the trick is to learn to ignore them. they have no place for you right now because they are only serving to distract you from you mission of being peacefully static-free. if you find you have too many thoughts, practice saying an affirmation over and over in your mind: for example, "i love my life. i am happy and contented. all is well in my world." you can change the affirmation to suit your needs or your mood.
step 6. be still, don't fidget and really try to control any excess body movement. focus.
step 7. do this for as long as you can. you can start with a few minutes and work up to longer periods. do it first thing in the morning when you're fresh, and then again in the evening before you go to sleep.
the more you meditate, the greater the results -- but you'll have to do a bit of work.
(via girlosophy: the oracle, ANTHEA PAUL)
**its really an amazing thing.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
crop it
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
events: oh baby you

What: The 20th annual Susquehanna Day Festival will be held this Saturday from 8AM-8PM with special guest artist including Hall of Famer Bobby Womack, Cuba Gooding Senior, Biz Markie, Carol Riddick and more.
Where: This festival will take place between Broad and 23rd St. on Susquehanna St.
[If i go, it will only be to see biz markie]
via: http://www.twoonefivemagazine.com
events: dancin' in the streets

What: Been tested lately? If you have, celebrate. If you haven't, get tested for free at Dancin' in the Streets, and then celebrate life and awareness with DJs Rich Medina and Mike Nyce spinning afrobeat, house and funk beats and classics. There will be live art and dance performances all night, compelling you to put on a little performance of your own. Hosted by Ethel Cee and Oronde.
Where: 2nd Street and Girard Avenue (northern liberties piazza)
Time: 6pm-11pm
via: http://www.twoonefivemagazine.com/
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Monday, June 22, 2009
everytime i post about vashtie i try to make it as non-creepy as possible.
but she is so amazing!

that first one might become my celly background (hypeee? .. yes)
but she is so amazing!
that first one might become my celly background (hypeee? .. yes)
so i added three more books to my collection:
girlosophy: the oracle, the breakup survival kit, and the love survival kit.
again GO OUT AND BUY, it took me years to actually pick up the first one "girlosophy: the soul survival kit", and im realizing that it was probably because it was way over my head. but i'm so glad i have them now, every book is worth the read and def. worth having around forever. its so inspirational and i can already feel myself changing!
the last three i ordered off amazon.com and purchased the used copies for like $2-$6 literally .. even though some of them are partically falling apart .. it still works beautifully!
buy buy buy!!
**also: id like to point out that im not a fan of casual reading, so for me to be actually ordering books lol, its not heard of. therefore if your looking for a good book or something to help guide you in a better direction get these.
more info ..
Sunday, June 21, 2009
jazz festival: "sit here and keep looking cute"
jazz fest was just alright .. it was cool people watching though.
the weather was annoying, couldn't tell if it was gonna rain or not?
natalie made a good point in saying that if anyone wanted to know what "uptown" looked like (people wise) this was a good event to get a understanding.
we saw: old heads with matching attire from head to toe (hat to shoes), alligator shoes, polo, more polo, polo hats, polo shoes, adidas track pants with sneaks and a bbc tee (shown below), "I AM UPTOWN" tshirts, hollister & abercrombie for daysss, old heads in sean john and roca wear, crushed linen, bucket hats, straw hats, youngbuls for days, dirty hood "jawns" for days and days .. EVERYTHING.
a conversation on how the majority of guys from philly dress is really worth having.

(we didn't plan on dressing so similar or standing the same way for that matter, but i do think that this picture really displays our friendship as a whole. this will be framed)


(shoe line up)

(adidas x bbc tee)

(for barry)
***uptown= mt airy, germantown, west oak lane sections of philly
the weather was annoying, couldn't tell if it was gonna rain or not?
natalie made a good point in saying that if anyone wanted to know what "uptown" looked like (people wise) this was a good event to get a understanding.
we saw: old heads with matching attire from head to toe (hat to shoes), alligator shoes, polo, more polo, polo hats, polo shoes, adidas track pants with sneaks and a bbc tee (shown below), "I AM UPTOWN" tshirts, hollister & abercrombie for daysss, old heads in sean john and roca wear, crushed linen, bucket hats, straw hats, youngbuls for days, dirty hood "jawns" for days and days .. EVERYTHING.
a conversation on how the majority of guys from philly dress is really worth having.
(we didn't plan on dressing so similar or standing the same way for that matter, but i do think that this picture really displays our friendship as a whole. this will be framed)
(shoe line up)
(adidas x bbc tee)
(for barry)
***uptown= mt airy, germantown, west oak lane sections of philly
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