Monday, May 25, 2009

savoir faire - to know, to do

"increasingly, life will throw up extraordinary scenarios that require greater adeptness and higher levels of skills than previous experiences required. so its in your best interest to actively seek to gain the knowledge, poise and maturity that you may be called upon to demonstrate in the future. you need savior faire. savoir faire is a grace and ability to harmonize that will carry you through any event that life dishes up. it is most often learned through observing other people - sometimes if only to learn what not to do. so when someone acts badly, imagine how you might change the outcome by acting out the parts in your mind. imagine the outcome of a difficult situation where no one loses face, and where enveryone walks away a winner. savoir faire is the inner voice that helps us to do the right thing, at the right time, for the higest good of all concerned."

found in: girlosophy

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